Annette's Story
I am a mystic, a writer, cancer survivor and emerging cancer thrivership pioneer. My husband and I, along with our cat, live in Lino Lakes, in beautiful Minnesota.
In January 2020, at the start of the pandemic, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. As you can imagine, this was a tremendously difficult time. The COVID era was incredibly isolating and I lost physical mobility due to the weekly Taxol chemotherapy treatment that year.
I have been through numerous treatment regimens and had a recurrence in 2022 that led me to seek treatment at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. I have also been on Enhertu and completed six of the eight cycles my oncologist wanted me to go through.
Because there was no longer any active cancer my body I was able to have the bilateral mastectomy in February 2024. I am currently receiving a Phesgo shot every three weeks to keep the cancer "at bay."
At the beginning, I set my sights on "Acing cancer school." Throughout this path I have held on to my healing intentions, learning about our bodies' innate ability to heal itself and exploring different healing modalities.
I like to say that I have "Been wading into the deep end of the healing pool." Through the healing modalities I have been exploring, I have been discovering better quality of life and the freedom to be who I am. I am very excited to share what has been working for me with the hope that I can inspire other people learn how to thrive, empower individuals to have hope and heal, despite a cancer diagnosis, serious health condition or disability.
In 2022 I started going around the Andean Medicine Wheel with Coleen (CoCo) Elwood of Peace Medicine in a two-year training. That began to stoke a fire of deep interest into the Andean Shamanism of South America. I completed the wheel in 2024.
In 2023 I studied with Dr. Alberto Villoldo through The Four Winds Association and I am certified as an Energy Medicine Practitioner in the Andean Shamanic lineage of the Q'ero, people of the Inca. As of 2024 I have been studying with Thomas Hubl, author of Attuned Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma-and Our World. I also studied with the Pocket Project in their Applied Trauma-Informed Leadership course in 2024.
Why did it take a cancer diagnosis for me to see my health and life in a holistic,
"whole-person" approach? Why did my WHOLE life have to fall apart so I could "find myself" and finally learn about Shamanism, something that interested me since I was a teenager? Stay tuned for answers to these questions and more.
I have been getting comfortable with uncertainty, living in the terrain of being not sure where this journey is taking me, but knowing that I am here for the long haul, working in the service of peace, compassion, love and presence.
I am holding a new vision of how good life can be for the world (and the earth) if we each find our own point of balanced wellbeing. I hope there is something here that will inspire you to find your sweet spot of balanced, heart-focused living!
Many Blessings to you and yours! Thank you for reading my story. I sincerely appreciate it. I would love to hear from you and learn your story. Please send me a message!
Now scheduling Energy Medicine Sessions
Find belonging through community that is designed to provide support, promote healing, and learn effective techniques for settling your nervous system. My sessions are tailored to help individuals and their loved ones navigate the challenges of living with cancer or other life-threatening condition.
Participate in mind-body classes that focus on empowering individuals with practical tools to manage stress, make clear-headed decisions, and improve overall well-being. These workshops create a space for healing, learning, growth and community connection.
Schedule a one-on-one session to explore techniques for settling the nervous system and healing your body/mind. Together, we will develop a tailored approach to support your healing journey.
Schedule a one-on-one session to explore energy medicine. Release blockages in your energy field and your chakras. Be revitalized by healing energy as it fills the open vortex that has been created through the release process.
Explore other techniques like soul retrieval and more. This will be an intuitive process tailored for you and your journey.